Transcript of Records
Your Transcript of Records (ToR) is issued at the end of your studies at the FU Berlin, once you have collected all of your grades and certificates ("Scheine"), and only upon your request. Transcripts are not produced automatically!
Please forward your "Scheine" (certificates) or the PDF overview of your Campus Managament to us via email (PDF scans only). We do not have access to Campus Management ourselves.
After signing in on Campus Management, click “Kategorie Noten und Punkte“, “Übersicht Icon“ and pick the third option “Leistungsübersicht über begonnene und abgeschlossene Modulleistungen“. Click “ok“ and send it to us. We do not accept screenshots. Should you already have lost your Campus Management access, please contact to receive a copy of your overview. Please also make sure to send us any certificates for classes that do not appear on you Campus Management overview.
Additionally, in order to officially request your ToR, you will need to fill in a form (click here) and send it to us together with your "Scheine". Once we have received all of these documents, we will be able to issue your ToR. Please note that this may take up to three weeks until you or your home institution receive your ToR. Therefore, please make sure to start the process early, should your home university require you to send the ToR soon.
From our side there is no deadline to request your ToR.
The grading process can take up to several weeks after the lecture period has ended. You may well have returned to your home countries by the time your grades are available (either in Campus Management oder as "Scheine"). This should, however, not be a problem. Just make sure you keep the contact details of your professors safe and that you provide them with an alternative email address in case your FU email address expires. Stay in touch with your professors and, if needed, remind them to send you the graded Schein via email. Alternatively, professors may send them to the OSI Erasmus office directly.
You will lose access to Campus Management at some point. If this happens just contact to receive a copy of your Campus Management overview.