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DVWG-Forum 2024

Prof. Dr. Partzsch hält Impuls-Vortrag: „Von Paris nach Berlin: Verkehr in der Klimapolitik“

09.12.2024 | Arbeitsbereich für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Umwelt- und Klimapolitik

New Article by Matthew Sabbi on The Strategic Propping of Rwanda´s Image in International Society

Rwanda’s burnished international reputation stirs controversy given criticism of its governance system. Existing explanations prioritise Rwanda’s performance-derived legitimacy and the use of the “genocide guilt” in leveraging international scrutiny. This view creates several analytical gaps. This chapter offers sociological reasoning for Rwanda’s strategic propping of its global image. It draws on expert interviews and content analysis of relevant documents from policy, media, and grey sources. The experts engage with national policy and development cooperation goals on a daily basis. They also have background knowledge of governance. Their rich profile helps us examine Rwandan elites and their strategic blending of international norms and cultural heritage to boost and construct Rwanda’s global image. State elites craftily align Rwanda’s homegrown initiatives to its foreign policy goals as they impressively communicate adherence to international norms while highlighting their innovative virtues for local challenges. By telling their “innovative stories” elites blur inherent contradictions and compel their audience to prioritise local success over shortfalls in political governance. To read this article please visit: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003507222-7

03.12.2024 | Arbeitsbereich für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Politik und Gesellschaft in Afrika

Narrative in der Klimapolitik

Prof. Lena Partzsch sprach mit Deutschlandfunk Kultur über Ressentiments und Symbolpolitik.

30.11.2024 | Arbeitsbereich für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Umwelt- und Klimapolitik

Chaos im Parlament und Macron reist um die Welt: Wer regiert eigentlich gerade Frankreich?

Neuer Beitrag von Andrea Nüsse im Tagesspiegel erschienen, u.a. mit Kommentaren von Prof. Miriam Hartlapp.

26.11.2024 | Arbeitsbereich Deutschland und Frankreich im Vergleich

Vortrag von Miriam Hartlapp im Frankreichzentrum der FU Berlin

Vortrag von Miriam Hartlapp zum Thema "Politische Positionierung in Frankreich nach der Europawahl: Aushandlungsprozesse und Kompromisse zwischen Parteien" im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung "Momenta der Stellungnahme".

25.11.2024 | Arbeitsbereich Deutschland und Frankreich im Vergleich

New article by team members Matthew Sabbi Anja Osei and-Ekoutiame Ahlin on local democracy and public trust

In "Minding the Local Slot: Municipalities as Drivers of Trust in Public Institutions" by Matthew Sabbi, Anja Osei, Daniel Wigmore-Shepherd, and Ekoutiamé Ahlin, the centrality of trust for democratic legitimacy and stability as advocated by political theory is considered. It holds that democracy works best if citizens trust governance institutions. From this standpoint, we argue that the local political arena is conducive to nurturing trust, for onward projection onto national institutions. Using a mixed-method approach to a Ghana case study that combines in-depth interviews with regression and a propensity score matching technique, we demonstrate the centrality of proximity as a trust-building mechanism. We show that proximity to elected officials and local institutions facilitates inclusion and participation – and brings the otherwise distant state closer to the local population. Positive experiences with municipal structures – the most proximate of all state institutions – help build positive evaluations of the national government. Processes that deepen participatory platforms and inclusive decision-making in local arenas will furnish governments with a legitimacy and democracy dividend. To read this article please visit: https://doi.org/10.1080/00083968.2024.2339490

22.11.2024 | Arbeitsbereich für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Politik und Gesellschaft in Afrika

Beitrag von Dr. Johanna Schnabel zu regionalen Bildungsungleichheiten erschienen

Schnabel, J. (2024) ‘A Postcode Lottery in Education? Explaining Regional Inequality in Multilevel Systems’,  Policy Studies Journal , online first:  https://doi.org/10.1111/psj.12565 .

16.11.2024 | Arbeitsbereich Politisches System der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

SFB 700