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Where do I Get my Electronic Key (transponder) and Which are my Access Authorizations?

Along with your application for employment, the key manager of FB PolSoz is informed about the specific rights granted to you for accessing the institut.

After taking up your work, you have to contact the key department of FB PolSoz to get your electronic office key (transponder).

Contact details:

FB Politik und Sozialwissenschaften
Ihnestr. 21, 14195 Berlin
email: schluessel@polsoz.fu-berlin.de
Homepage: https://www.polsoz.fu-berlin.de/verwaltung/schluessel/index.html

  • In times of pandemic, the key department sends the transponder by postal service to the secretary's office I in Landoltweg, and you have to pick it up there after making an appointment and in exchange for a receipt.
  • in non-pandemic periods you have to make an appointment with the key office in Ihnestr. 21 and pick up the transponder there in person in exchange for a receipt.
  • If necessary, the locking authorizations on the transponder can be changed at any time at the request of one of the secretariats and in consultation with the supervising professors.

The transponders only close Mon-Fri during normal office hours, but not at night, on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays!
Only professors and security officers (currently Ivonne Gutierrez) receive an unlimited 24-hour locking authorization.

However, if academic or other staff members need to be at the Institute outside these hours for job-related reasons, e.g. if you are organizing block seminars, workshops or meetings on weekends, you can submit a temporary "Application for access authorization outside building opening hours" on a designated form. The request must be digitally countersigned by the applicant and management and sent as an email attachment to the PolSoz key department.

This and further forms and more information about the use of electronic keys can be found on the
Homepage of the PolSoz key department:


For further information please contact:
- Secretariat I, email: sozkultanth@polsoz.fu-berlin.de
- FB PolSoz key, email: schluessel@polsoz.fu-berlin.de

Berlin Southern Theory Lecture