List of all projects
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Climate change has not only ecological and economic effects, but also social effects. The social dimensions of adaptation to climate change are to be taken into account in German adaptation policy. The aim of the research project is to develop policy recommendations that support the socially just design of adaptation to climate change in Germany. The results of the project should clarify how the national adaptation strategy and its instruments should be differentiated according to social aspects.
In the course of climate change and the respectively expected impacts, the pressure for foresighted climate change adaptation is growing in Germany. However, with exception of climate mitigation and specialized regulations, climate change adaptation has barely found its way into legal instruments so far. Still, the regulatory mainstreaming of climate change adaptation poses challenges for legislation, which are rooted in the characteristics of the policy field. The project therefore investigates a possible legal framework for climate adaptation.
Ministries and other public authorities face the challenge of handling the necessary transformation towards a sustainable society. Within the preceding project TrafoWag a training program was developed, that is supposed to provide mundane transformative competencies for employees of the environmental department. TrafoWag II follows on from this program with respect to the target group expansion and scalability of the training.
In 2015 several guiding global political agreements were passed: die 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, and the Sendai-Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.The implementation of resulting political goals remains improvable. The respective project examines how the potential of integrated policy approaches can be utilized to strengthen the agendas' implementation.
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In its coalition agreement the government pledged to deploy a new and integrated circular economy. The project’s aim is to support this endeavor by designing a coherent and holistic circular economy policy for Germany. The focus lies particularly on assessing measures reaching further than the current resource policy and their impacts. The study is supposed to function as a point of reference for the public debate providing arguments for a ecofriendly resource-saving policy.
The functioning and efficiency performance of incumbent food systems are being questioned from different perspectives. Numerous social and technical innovations regarding production, products, and consumption occur. While they have been considered especially with respect to technical and economic feasibility and ecological impacts so far, issues of social cohesion have been neglected. However, this is particularly relevant for food systems – how and if innovations and transformations are fueled by social processes, and imply feedback effects on them is subject of this project.
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The European Union (EU) is a multi-dimensional, constantly changing actor in global governance. Depending on the respective policy field, the EU holds a distinct level of actorness and influence. At the same time, the EU is developing continuously through its various governance arrangements in several policy fields. In some governance structures it already speaks unanimously, e.g. regarding trade relations, data security or regulations on e-communication. In other cases, however, the EU participates as an internally fragmented block at global governance dialogues, as it was the case with defense and security policy until recently.
Against this background, the aim of the project is to equip EU institutions with the necessary knowledge and tools to enhance the actorness, effectiveness and influence on global governance.
Employees in ministries and public authorities have a special responsibility in shaping a sustainable future. Major societal transformation processes, such as digitization and the achievement of the Paris climate goals, require specific capacities and competencies in these organizations.How are social innovations promoted? How are powerful narratives formulated? Are transformation actors strengthened?
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The international agendas - Agenda 2030, Paris Climate Agreement - place new demands not only on partner countries of the GIZ but also on how to best give policy advice in international cooperation. Against this background, the FFU prepares an orientation paper for the GIZ, which from a perspective of transformation research identifies new approaches for environmental policy advice. The special challenges for modern environmental policy and for governing transformation processes in GIZ's partner countries are taken into account.
Duration: April 2018 - March 2019
Conventional food production and consumption are associated with negative environmental and health consequences. The project examines if environmental policy can support the transformation towards a sustainable food system by identifying options for policy interventions to promote innovative niches.
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Transitions to sustainability imply that processes of change are shaped by both ecological and social perspectives. This concerns and involves environmental organizations as well as labor unions, and increasingly social and charity organizations. They share common interests in climate change mitigation, sustainability, distribution issues, and social cohesion – even though setting different emphasis. Under which conditions do co-operations occur? How are the stakeholders’ strategies, organizational structures and organizational cultures constituted, and in how far do they foster or hamper trans-sectoral co-operation?
COME RES aims to facilitate the market uptake of RES in the electricity sector by supporting, with a set of specific activities, the implementation of the provisions for renewable energy communities (RECs) as defined in the new Renewable Energy Directive (EU) 2018/2001 to be transposed by the Member states by June 30, 2021. Taking a multi- and transdisciplinary approach, COME RES aids the development of RECs in nine European countries (BE, DE, IT, LV, NL, NO, PL, PT, SP).
The project "Analysis and evaluation of policy measures and economic instruments for resource protection for the further development of ProgRess", published by the Federal Environmental Agency, will be submitted to the Fraunhofer Institute for System and Innovation Research (ISI), Forum sozial-ökologische Marktwirtschaft (FÖS) and the Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU) of Freie Universität Berlin.
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The project studies the impacts of visioning processes and visions, which can exert on urban climate governance. In a participatory process, two selected small towns will develop urban visions on climate change adaptation, taking into special account the climatic impacts on the most vulnerable groups. The German Federal Ministry for Education and Research funded a one year Definition Phase under its initiative “Zukunftsstadt” (future city). Meanwhile the Research and Development Phase started in October 2018 and is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research as well.
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Evidence-based policy making can contribute to increase the quality and sustainability of policy proposals, ensure coherence with other policy areas, decision-making levels, and central strategies as well as guarantee that long-term benefits and unintended costs are considered in the policy appraisal. In this way, quality and acceptance of a proposed policy can be increased. Moreover, accompanying measures can be developed early in the policy making process to avoid unwanted side-effects of the policy. Policy impact assessment (IA) was introduced in many countries as a central instrument for evidence-based policy making.
In contrast to a scientific analysis, IA is closely connected to the policy making process. It needs to cover a great variety of questions. Hence, IA also draws on a great variety of methods and a large body of knowledge, which can and should be used in the impact analysis. This complexity is often a challenge for policy makers.
In this project a training course will be developed, which will support GIZ staff and their partners in conducting IAs. It demonstrates how IA can be handled by using practice examples and case studies so that participants acquire the necessary knowledge to plan and conduct IAs. The training should:
- Convey the particularities of the IA process and its objectives;
- Encourage and enable the participants to break down the IA into process steps, and to select suitable methods for each process step;
- Enable the participants to use the results of the IA in the policy-making process and for further developing policy proposals.
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The National Climate Initiative (NKI) of the Federal Ministry for Environment (BMUB) ( aims to contribute to the achievement of the national climate targets by implementing specific programs and by supporting the market up-take of innovative energy technologies and activities. It addresses consumers, business, municipalities and educational institutions. Funding is provided for different directives and programs and for a variety of individual projects.
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Closing the loop on the use of resources is a central goal of the European and German waste policy and has potentially great synergies with resource and climate policies. The topic is also particularly relevant for emerging economies and developing countries given their fast growth of waste and the international challenges in the field of resource and climate policy.
The project analyses four selected emerging economies/ developing countries with regard to waste treatment. Based on an analysis of the existing framework conditions and capacities in these countries, possible contributions from the transfer of European and German approaches to waste treatment shall be outlined. These options will be discussed and further developed with local stakeholder in these countries. The results will later be published in country-specific publications and presented and discussed in a conference in Germany.
The particular involvement of FFU focuses on policy analysis of the waste policy framework conditions in Germany and the EU as well as the question of policy transfer.
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The 2016 Berlin Conference invited scholars and practitioners to discuss questions arising from the new and universal global climate agreement adopted at the UN climate change conference in Paris on 12 December 2015. In the light of the continuity and change that Paris will bring, the discussions and knowledge exchange evolved around international climate policy and politics in the larger context of global governance and the challenges of a transformation towards sustainable development in a turbulent world.
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The project interlinks the 30 different projects of the funding measure ‘Sustainable Economy Activity” and develops contentual syntheses, which provide orientation and impulses for the further development of the area „Sustainable Economy Activity“. These syntheses should provide stimuli not only for science, but also for politics, economy and society. Furthermore, the project aims to contribute to the strengthening of societal-political effects of the funded projects and the funding measure.
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The project „Environmental Policy in the 21. Century – Approaches for Overcoming New Challenges“ pursues two aims: firstly, to define and explain blind spots and deficits of the environmental policy in the 20th century. In doing so, an overview of central environmental and sustainability patterns of arguments will be generated and assessed regarding their legitimacy for new environmental policies. These will be illustrated in an „environmental and sustainability policy map of discourse“. Secondly, based on the analysis of passed environmental policies the overall aim of the project is to clarify main ideas, concepts and strategies for an effective and ethically grounded environmental and sustainability policy in the 21st century on the basis of which a sustainable development can be achieved in both, countries of the global North and South. Hence, the project encompasses analytical as well as conceptual aims: Based on the „environmental and sustainability policy map of discourse“ contextual and strategic recommendations for the formulation of an environmental and sustainability policy in the 21st century will be developed.
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The Framework Contract with the European Parliament includes external expert services in the fields of impact assessment and European added values in a broad range of areas. (more)
The core concern of the GIZ program RE-ACTIVATE for the MENA region is to create favourableconditions to combine the goals of transforming the energy systems with a sustainable economic development that creates domestic employment effects. The research is intended to contribute to the creation of functioning renewable energy and energy efficiency markets and support employment in the region. (more)
The way public finances are raised and spent can be used as an important lever to affect various environmental problems and challenges – ranging from the Energiewende, climate protection, the management of increasingly scarce resources to the balancing of public budgets and the question how to build a form of sustainable growth. A greening of public finances can make a contribution to these challenges.
Project timeframe: 02/2014 - 10/2015
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The Indo-German Expert Group is an interdisciplinary working group of renowned experts from leading research institutions / political think tanks in India and Germany. It was set up in 2013 to enhance collaborative learning, contribute to informed decision-making in both countries and feed into the international debate on a green and inclusive economy.
November 2013 - 2018
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The project develops a classification to bring together the supply side of the market and the various demands with the aim to contribute to the success of the technology mechanism of the UN framework convention on climate change. For that purpose, the study will analyse the technology needs assessment of emerging economies and developing countries taking part in the UNFCCC’s technology mechanism. In addition to that, the FFU will study the conditions for successful technology transfers and develop a map of the relevant actors in Germany in this field.
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The core structure of the project “Transatlantic Urban Climate Dialogue plus” (TUCD+) is the same as the previous project “Transatlantic Urban Climate Dialogue” (TUCD). The dialogue between elected officials, senior corporate representatives, technical experts and practitioners from Germany, Canada and the United States on the mutually beneficial transfers and applications of Integrated Community Energy Plan (CEPs) among the metropolitan regions of Northern Virginia, Guelph, Stuttgart and the Ruhr Valley will be intensified by two further workshops.
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The project "develop sustainability strategies successfully," which the Bertelsmann Foundation coordinates and performs together with the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, offers a contribution to the development and advancement of sustainability strategies. Research will be done at the federal level, in particular by identifying best practices and analyzing their transferability.
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The SUSTAIN EU-ASEAN project aims at establishing a more sustainable and integrated research and innovation cooperation between the EU and the ASEAN region in the areas of climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials. More
The Environmental Policy Research Centre participates in a large joint project with major German institutes ”Establishment of a research platform for nuclear waste material: Interdisciplinary analysis and development of criteria for assessment”.
Aim of the sub-project is primarily the policy and social analysis of the development of a strategy for a nuclear waste storage solution in Germany under participation of relevant stakeholders.
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It is the aim of the study to analyze actions as well as quality goals of national and European sustainability policies with regard to their compatibility with the overarching guiding principles of European environmental programs. In this way the project aims at improving governance and steering among them.
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The main reasons for the construction of a Horizon Scanning System are the apparent acceleration of ecological processes on the one hand and socio-economic changes on the other hand. For politicians, this raises the question of whether reactive breathlessness can be countered by earlier problem solving.
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This study provides an overview of available frameworks and methods for environmental impact assessment and analyzes their usability in the context of trade-related development cooperation. With the proposed stocktaking and assessment of existing frameworks and methods the study aims to contribute towards improving the practice and application of environmental impact assessments of trade-related policies and programs.
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The Environmental Policy Research Centre of the Freie Universität Berlin and the LIAISE Network of Excellence (‘Linking Impact Assessment Instruments and Sustainability Expertise’) organize the 2012 Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, which will be held on 5-6 October, 2012, in Berlin.
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The project aims at supporting and stimulating the emerging political and social debate on resource policies from a political science, legal and economic perspective. For this purpose the discussion on targets and indicators will be analyzed and options identified for selecting, operationalizing and prioritizing targets on resource policy.
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Bioenergy Promotion 2 is a so called Extension stage project (ESP) under the EU INTERERREG IVB Baltic Sea Region Programme. The overall aim of Bioenergy Promotion 2 is to strengthen and implement key results from the Main stage project Bioenergy Promotion (2009-2011) through demonstration, testing and transfer measures in selected demo regions and beyond.
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The non-profit climate protection agency Bremen Energy Consensus and the GEWOBA incorporated company housing and construction co-started in agreement with the coordinators of the nationwide project “Stromsparcheck” from Caritas and eaD a similar project which is called “EnergieSparCheck for the tenants of GEWOBA".
This project aims at a reduction of CO2 of consulting and direct implementation of measures.
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Klaus Jacob will be a member of the Expert Group that has been established by the European Commission in order to write a report that reflects the state of the art of responsible innovation, both in terms of what is to be understood under responsible research and innovation and what type of actions are already being conducted in Europe.
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The Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU) supports the project with its expertise in the field of “Green Economy”. Specifically, it supports the preparation of the country studies, summarizes and compares their main results so as to develop policy recommendations for the region as a whole, and prepares a comparable case study on “The German energy transition and its implications for green jobs”.
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The DFG Research Unit address the complex scientific questions related to heat stress in mid-latitude cities by a multi- and interdisciplinary approach involving climatologists, urban geographers and hydrologists, physicians, architects, physicists and engineers, urban planners and social scientists.
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This project contributes to measurement of progress towards Green Economy and its understanding for political decision making process in Germany. Based on a synopsis of rele-vant measurement concepts it identifies deficits of available concepts and develops suggestions for an adequate indicator system.
December 15, 2011 - September 30, 2014
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The project aims at expanding the period of time covered by Germany’s Sustainability Strategy to the year 2030 and at sketching out the development until 2050. To do this, major issue areas and challenges need to be identified, and strategies and sub-targets for their implementation have to be developed.
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Schools@University is an innovative inter- and transdisciplinary educational format at the Freie Universität of Berlin that builds bridges between academia and civil society. Fifth and sixth graders and their teachers are invited to the FUB twice a year to gain in-depth knowledge on sustainability issues and critical thinking skills empowering them to effect changes within their everyday world and in society at large. The format is based on two pillars:
A one-week program for 10 -13 years-olds featuring 75 interactive and participatory workshops.
A half-day practical teacher training to encourage application of lessons learnt in their respective schools.
We develop the workshop designs together with 100 partners from academia (students, scientists and administration staff), the state of Berlin, local businesses/companies, art and culture institutions, as well as NGOs.
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The study will review the following countries regarding the consideration of aspects of sustainable development within their requirements for Impact Assessment: Austria, Australia, Korea, the Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland, UK and US. In addition, the approach of the European Union will be analyzed.
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A 7-day study tour for Russian experts will take place in Berlin in spring 2012. It aims to support the German-Russian knowledge and experience transfer in the fields of environmental politics and energy efficiency, as well as the incitement of a sustainable discussion about the potentials of renewable energy sources in Germany and Russia.
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Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is already a standardised and institutionalised framework, which has been in place for decades and has been integrated in legislation and regulation for many years. However, EIA has also been thoroughly criticized for being a marginal and disconnected procedure with no real influence on decision-making processes.
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This year’s Berlin conference seeks to move the social dimensions of environmental change and governance to the foreground, as societies both in industrialized countries and in developing countries face potentially dramatic environmental changes and will have to undergo fundamental transformations to achieve sustainable development.
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The German-Indian Sustainability and Climate Change Dialogue brings together decision-makers, scholars and future environmental leaders from Germany and India. They address climate protection and environmental governance and discuss the challenges and chances for bilateral environmental cooperation between both countries.
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This paper presents a framework for multilevel governance, showing that advancing governance of climate change across all levels of government and relevant stakeholders is crucial to avoid policy gaps between local action plans and national policy frameworks (vertical integration) and to encourage cross-scale learning between relevant departments or institutions in local and regional governments (horizontal dimension).
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With the EU Commission’s recommendation to all member countries to implement biomass action plans and with the Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28/EC, biomass is expected to contribute considerably to the goal of 20% share of renewable energy sources (RES) in energy supply in Europe by 2020.
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The initiative intends to implement a nationwide alliance for work and environment in the two federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg. The aims are: Reduction of energy consumption and CO2 emissions and the creation and security of jobs, particularly in the construction industry and the crafts.
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In the context of the sustainable development concept and its emphasis on the balanced integration of economic, social, and environmental objectives, it is the aim of the project to investigate to what extent and how conflicts and trade-offs between economic, social, and environmental policies are solved by policy dismantling.
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The Marie Curie Training Course on the Human Dimension of Global Environmental Change aims to train and educate advanced doctoral students and young researchers about the theoretical developments and empirical and practical implications from the emerging field of earth system governance.
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The EVIA project has investigated the use of the IA process. The target of Impact Assessment (IA) is to support the policy-making process by providing information, inter-ministerial consultations and to promote early stakeholder discussions and to encourage more interdisciplinary cooperation.
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Overcoming restrictions to establish an extension of small scale CHP in the Regional Capital Hanover
20th anniversary of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
To mark the 20th anniversary of the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl the Federal Environment Ministry (BMU) in cooperation with the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS), the Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU) at the Freie Universität Berlin and the European East-West Academy for Culture and the Media (EOWA) planned to launch a series of events themed “Chernobyl +20” .
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The Environmental Policy Research Center (Forschungsstelle für Umweltpolitik, FFU) and its Czech cooperation partner Ecoconsulting Prague organised a series of workshops with German experts on the experience gained in Germany during the preparation and implementation phase of the ecological tax reform and on the experience with its current handling.
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The overall objective of this international research project was to build research capacity and confidence among young researchers from developing countries to undertake applied policy research and analysis on harnessing the information society to achieve national sustainable development priorities.
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The project had set itself the goal to find out whether and, if so, at what level of regulations do environmental policies converge in developed countries and have an impact especially on international institutions and international trade for a possible convergence in environmental policy.
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Case studies on micro cogeneration, carbon capture and storage, consumer feedback, network regulation, emissions trading and other electricity innovations provide insights into innovation dynamics in the electricity system and were analyzed to derive strategic implications for policies shaping the innovation process.
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The project started from the observation that while over the past decades the study of international environmental institutions had tremendously advanced the general understanding of international cooperation, the roles and influences of a particular type of organizations that typically emerge as by-products of international environmental cooperation have largely remained unstudied.
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The Climate Technology Initiative (CTI) has been set up in 1995 by principal member states of the OECD/IEA and European Commission in order “to promote the objectives of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) by fostering international co-operation for accelerated development and diffusion of climate-friendly technologies and practices for all activities and greenhouse gases”.
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In this follow-up project and starting from this dematerialization hypothesis, for the first time, comparative case studies analyse in detail the driving forces industrial restructuring of different industries and countries in Europe where such a decline has been observed at least temporarily.
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Overall project objective
The overall objective of ENABLE is to develop a more dynamic understanding of societal responses to emerging sustainable technologies and to explore how policy packages could be designed in response. The project is funded by the Norwegian Research Council and led by the research centre CICERO. In addition to Norwegian research institutes and other market actors, two EU universities are involved: the Technical University of Denmark in Lyngby and the Free University of Berlin - Environmental Policy Research Centre.
Project content and approach
Together with the Norwegian partners, the FFU is responsible for working on a case study in the field of the offshore wind industry. The approach comprises several working steps:analysis of the initial conditions for the development of offshore wind projects, literature review on acceptance factors, analysis of stakeholders, policy and governance, case study research with expert interviews, stakeholder surveys as well as conclusions and recommendations to policy makers.
Research focus of the FFU
The focus of the research to be conducted by the Environmental Policy Research Centre within ENABLE is on the social and local acceptance of planned or realised offshore wind farm projects. The most important subjects of acceptance are local coastal residents, representatives of coastal tourist communities, fishing associations and environmental organisations.
The UBA project "Shaping Ecological Change - Implementing and Updating the Integrated Environmental Programme 2030" supports the program (IUP) of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and aims at further development, operationalization and implementation by taking up, expanding and integrating the findings of social science transformation and sustainability research into the IUP process.